Sunday, October 5, 2014

Mashup Germany - Top of the Pops 2013 (Hey Brother) (Music Video)

Two things:

1.) This is by no means new, but it is by all means awesome.
2.) Does anyone else want him to make a new track that just entails the first 50 ish seconds? I mean come on. That. Shit. Is. Fire.

Anyway, this is an artist that I just recently discovered. Extremely talented, but it's very hard to get my hands on his tracks since he is actually from Germany's underground scene, and all of his files are hosted on German websites with odd torrent providers. Regardless. I love this. Apparently there are 90+ songs mashed into here, even though there's "only" about 20 that are anything more than a brief sound clip. This is, I'm afraid to say it, definitely the "Top of the Pops." Track and DL link below, dig it.

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