Holy hell, it's been a long time. I apologize, I'm sorry, lo siento. But between downing brewskis, tipping strippers, and driving golf balls off the deck of my yacht, I don't have a lot of time for the little guys anymore. That's you. Just kidding, I've been really caught up in trying to get my life caught up. Anyways, I'm back. Enjoy.
So, without further ado... holy hell. I'm assuming if you don't live under a rock you'll have heard the original version of Boneless with Juicy J by now. Even if you do live under a rock, your friends/neighbors probably played it so loud you heard it anyway. I'm not sure which I like better. Everyone knows Juicy J is the ragemaster, but I kinda like Kid Ink's rapping style, and I really like how he sings over the chorus. This is a very interesting remix, to say nothing of how easy it is on the ears. And I give it to you, free of charge. Track and DL link below.
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